Camp FAQs
What do I need to bring?
You just need yourself and your instrument. A recorder and/or camera can be helpful.
We have negotiated a special room rate with a complementary breakfast buffet. Hotel lodging is not required to attend camp.
DISCOUNTED ROOM RATES are available at this link. Our discounted rate is $94/night, which includes HOT BUFFET BREAKFAST FOR TWO each night.
Doubletree Hotel
4099 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX, 75244
Are meals provided?
No though if you stay at the hotel there is a complimentary breakfast buffet.
Can I bring my spouse?
Yes, but only registered students may actually attend classes and instructor-led jams.
Is there anything for my family to do in the area?
Bring the family! There’s lots do do within 30 miles of the camp.
May I audio/video record the classes?
Yes, but only with the permission of each individual instructor, and then only in a non-disruptive manner.
Are children allowed?
Yes. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian is not required to attend class with the student but needs to be present to drop off and pick their child up each day. Children under 12 may be admitted on a case-by-case basis. Children, or any camper for that matter, must be well behaved and not disrupt classes or jams.
I registered for guitar – can I attend other classes?
Yes, but within limits. We want to keep class sizes fairly small so everyone can get personal attention from the instructors. When you register for a class you have a reserved space in that class. If you want to sit in on other classes you may do so if the other class is not too crowded and the instructor doesn’t object.
Is there jamming?
Yes! The hotel is open after hours for jamming. Between campers and Bluegrass Heritage Festival goers there should be lots of jamming. You will see some of the teachers out picking with the students each evening too.
Is there an emergency contact number?
Yes, call my cell phone at 214-236-0783.
When is the camp?
5:00 pm Thursday April 13th, 2023 through 1:00 pm Saturday April 15th, 2023.
What is the tuition for the camp?
Tuition is. $245.
Where is the camp?
Doubletree Hotel
4099 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX, 75244